What is "Agent"?

In this context, we call a worker which collects specific type of metrics, an agent.

How to use them

To be able to use any of agents, first you must import them. Importing is done via config, by adding them under agents section

An example config could look like this:

interval: 10
loglevel: DEBUG
  host: localhost
  port: 5555
  transport: BlankTransport
  - name: echo
    module: oshino.agents.subprocess_agent.SubprocessAgent
    script: "echo 'Hello world!'"
    tag: "bash"

More configuration info can be found under Config

As you can see, there's one agent in agents array, which is called echo and uses internal SubprocessAgent class. This type of agent is able to execute command in command line and return it's result as a metric.

Internal agents also includes HttpAgent which is able to do HTTP calls, and returns response and time it took to execute as metrics.

Usual source of agents is Third Party agent section They can be installed via pip command, or using oshino-admin. For more information on oshino-admin usage, do oshino-admin --help.

Creating custom Agent

It can be done by using our Cookiecutter Template